Wisdom Teeth Removal: How to Sleep After

You may have just had your wisdom teeth removed, or you are planning on having the procedure done shortly. You will want to be sure to take the proper steps in your after-care to ensure success. If you’re wondering how to sleep after wisdom teeth removal then look no further.

You could be tired and in need of restful sleep after wisdom tooth extraction, which is frequently carried out while the patient is heavily medicated or under anesthesia.

The fact is, that the post-surgical discomfort might make getting enough sleep difficult. Fortunately, with the appropriate approach, you may rest after wisdom tooth removal.

Keep Your Head Elevated and Inclined:

This is an excellent method to help your body relax while also reducing the facial swelling you may be experiencing. According to studies, sleeping with your head up for the first two days is preferable. Do not sleep on your side. Allow gravity to work in your favor for a few days so you can heal quickly.

Follow the steps to minimize swelling and discomfort after surgery. Keep your head and upper body at a 45-degree angle for three days afterward. The blood vessel tone near the tooth extraction flows downward rather than settling in the surgical site, which can aid with pain management.

Use Pain Medication as Prescribed by Your Dentist:

When your anesthesia wears off, you may be in discomfort — and any pain can obstruct your attempts to fall asleep. Don’t put up a fight. Instead, arrange for a good night’s sleep by following your doctor's instructions for taking pain medication. It’s not a wise decision to skip over-the-counter medication because it’s an important component of a pain management strategy.

Be Wary of Dry Socket:

Blood clots start to form in the extraction site hole after your wisdom tooth extraction, and dislodging the blood clot can affect your sleep. If improper formation or dislodging, a dry socket occurs. This is the most frequent problem after wisdom teeth surgery.

The blood clot in the empty tooth socket acts as a protective covering for the underlying bone and nerve endings. The clot also provides a basis for new bone growth and the formation of soft tissue over it.

The pain of this sort is so severe that it extends to the adjacent nerves and bones, which may be felt on the side of your face. The socket swells due to inflammation, food particles accumulating within it, exacerbating the discomfort. The pain typically begins one to three days after a tooth is extracted if you develop a dry socket.

Remove Gauze Pads From your Mouth Before Sleep:
Make sure to remove all gauze from your mouth before going to sleep. It’s highly dangerous and potentially fatal to keep gauze in your mouth while sleeping.

Remove everything from your mouth, take any prescribed medicines, and drink cool water if possible. To lessen discomfort and swelling, apply an ice pack to your face. Do not sleep on the ice pack.

Avoid brushing your teeth or gargling. You’ll be in agony if you do, and it may lead to additional issues. When you’re ready for bed, arrange a few pillows on top of each other and sleep with your head higher than usual.

Claudette Stiven